About US
Hey! Here, I’d like to tell you a story of the creation of this blog.
It all started in my adolescence when I was bullied for my appearance. The children are cruel, but they had a lot of triggers to do that. I was fat a bit and had some problems with my face skin. So, I was always eager to become a top model of the entire world.
This sad period of my life made me enter the university of medicine. I was specializing in dietology, cosmetology, and nutrition. Thanks to my education, I finally found out that the outside beauty goes from the inside. The most important thing we should always remember is our health. Without it, no workouts or diets are not gonna work. So, I tested on myself everything that I learned from the uni, and it all worked! Improving my wellness was the key to normal weight and healthy skin!
After a long process of curing myself, I realized the most important thing. Our appearance is not the beauty. Well-being is the thing. During just a few months I got rid of the problems I had for years before. I started noticing that more and more people appreciate me, and more men get attracted. I didn’t even understand for the first time that the ‘health thing’ worked.
I got a job in a hospital, and to be honest, I liked it. I helped a lot of women to fix their health and get flourish. Still, one situation was the trigger to quit and start this blog. I was at my friend’s place when she broke up with her abusive boyfriend. She was thinking that he let her down because she wasn’t pretty. I started talking to her and explaining that he didn’t tell the truth, but… she didn’t listen. So, I decided to use my knowledge in practice. Instead of telling her that she is beautiful, I gave a piece of advice on how to improve your appearance through your health. Fortunately, she got interested and followed everything that I told her.
Not a long after, she called thanking me for my help. To be honest, I didn’t get anything for starters. She was really grateful for my advice as it made her feel better and more self-codefendant. She told me one phrase that brought me the idea of starting a blog. She said she wished that every girl had a chance to talk to me and hear all the things I said. It was the beginning of my blogging story.
Soon after, I created a web page with the goal of helping woman to fix their health. I thought that I’ll be posting the simplest thing that nobody needs to read. It was a surprise that a lot of girls gave grateful feedback to me. Even though my content wasn’t that scientific and shocking, a lot of people just didn’t know that improving their health is about daily simple rituals.
On my blog, I do not tell anything super-new and don’t make breakthroughs. I just try to teach my followers the easiest daily habits that will improve their health a lot. Also, I tested various wellness vitamins. I decided to add them to my blog’s content, and that was the right thing to do. Overall, the website aims to women’s well-being. I am trying to add as much information as I can to be your friend who helps you a lot.
Right now, my blog is growing, and I add more features to it. I have a bunch of ideas, but I can feel that the content is already sufficient for women to get healthier. I am always very pleased to receive appreciative messages from the girls whom my blog supported to get healthier. This is my biggest motivation.
I am happy that this story happened to me. This blog allows me to help many girls to overcome problems that I’d had myself. I feel like I can save the people and keep them away from the stress that I had to go through.
Your health is more than eating nutritious food and sweating in the gyms. It is about every second of your life! The healthier you are, the more attractive and self-confident you feel. This is the essential formula you need to always keep in mind.
I will be pleased to you in my blog. It changed my life. Let me change yours)