Are you interested in applying for SCOPE Certification? In-process but have more questions? Sign up for a 15-minute coffee date with an ACOG Fellow that has gone through the process at the 2016 Annual Clinical and Scientific Meeting...
Meet us in San Francisco as we exhibit among more than 3,200 medical practice professionals and industry experts at the MGMA 2016 Annual Conference, Oct. 30-Nov. 2. Be sure to visit SCOPE in booth #616. Is this conference for you? Learn more about education sessions, networking opportunities and other events surrounding the MGMA 2016 Annual Conference. Register today!
Does your health care facility foster a culture of quality and safety for patients and providers alike? Is there an emphasis on teamwork and collaboration? This 3-day postgraduate course in exciting Chicago will provide practical tools and techniques to enable health care leaders and others to make necessary improvements within their respective institutions.
This course, June 9-11, 2016, is designed for current and future leaders in hospitals, managed care organizations, or private settings.