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Benefits for Fellows

With SCOPE, ACOG is working to improve patient safety, while recognizing the increased financial demands on Fellows in office practice, as well as the huge toll that litigation takes on everyone involved. There are many benefits for Fellows who are certified through SCOPE:

  • Physicians and patients both benefit if we can reduce medical errors and improve patient outcomes through the implementation of patient safety measures like SCOPE
  • ACOG is working to educate professional liability insurers about the value of SCOPE so that they will offer premium rate reductions for SCOPE certified physicians This can make SCOPE a cost-saving measure rather than an additional expense for Fellows.
  • The names of the offices that achieve a SCOPE Certification will be published in Obstetrics & Gynecology and on the SCOPE website.An office receiving SCOPE Certification status will receive a Certificate to exhibit in the office and language to use in informational material about the practice.
  • The office will also receive information about patient safety in the office setting.
  • Fellows can review their responses to the SCOPE application against national responses, to see how they compare
  • There is a potential reduction in the risk of litigation
  • Fellows can be assured that their offices are running efficiently and safely
  • Provider, staff, and patient satisfaction can be enhanced