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One-Day Site Visit


A site visit will last one day from 8 am to 5 or 6 pm. The site reviewer will be chosen from trained reviewers who have experience with review processes as well as the Women’s Health SCOPE process (VRQC, Residency review, Departmental review, JCAHO, etc.) Each site will be able to review the Curriculum Vitae of the proposed visitor to assure that they are comfortable with the reviewer assigned. In particular, the program does not allow reviewers from the regional area of the office being reviewed. The reviewer arrives the night before or day of and all on site arrangements are handled by the office being reviewed once the reviewer arrives at the office.

All of the application’s required elements including the corresponding support documents will be validated during the site visit. In addition, the site visitor will interview clinical and non-clinical staff and observe staff demonstrations. (Pilot sites may be eligible for a site visit without completing the application process if the program development committee feels the office is a useful candidate to review). During the on-site review, the site visitor will interview staff, ask for staff demonstrations, review 12 charts (by choosing 4 of 6 randomly drawn in well-woman/gynecology, obstetrics, and procedure categories), perform visual inspections, and confirm supporting documents sent with the office's application. The format of the day is fixed with general meeting to discuss the process, followed by interviews, observations, and chart reviews. Finally, there is a summary of initial observations and opportunities for the office. See the guidebook for a full description of the process and timeline for the day’s process.