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The SCOPE Application: Getting Started

The SCOPE Application: Getting Started

Download SCOPE Application

We recognize that completing the SCOPE application is no easy task. Our hope, however, is to make the process as manageable as possible for you and your office. Here are few tips that you may find helpful as you work towards achieving SCOPE Certification:

  • Review the Application:
    • The SCOPE application is available to you as a pdf. Please review it, become familiar with the areas that we are assessing, and even begin to gather some of the requested supporting documentation prior to actually completing the application online.
  • Break It Down:
    • The application is comprehensive. It may be helpful to navigate it by section rather than trying to complete the whole application at once. Designate one or two sections of the application to be completed per quarter or every few months (e.g. Medication Safety and Office-Based Surgical Procedures).
  • Take Your Time:
    • It is important to note that there is no specific time limit for completing the SCOPE application once you begin online. The online application is designed so that you can save your progress and return to the document over time.
  • We’re Here to Help!
    • Remember, if at any point you find yourself at an impasse please feel free to contact SCOPE staff for help or suggestions. We can be reached by phone at 1.800.266.8043 or via email at .