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Professional Liability Supporters
The Safety Certification in Outpatient Practice Excellence (SCOPE) Program is proud to offer many benefits to SCOPE Certified offices. The program would like to help certified offices be acknowledged for the leaders in women’s health that they are through our medical professional liability insurance partners. These benefits are currently made possible by the following SCOPE supporters:
Medical Insurance Exchange of California (MIEC)
For a period of time, Medical Insurance Exchange of California (MIEC) will reimburse half of the SCOPE fee to its policyholders whose Ob/Gyn offices successfully complete the SCOPE certification process. OB/Gyns will pay the SCOPE fee directly to ACOG in accordance with regular SCOPE policy. Upon successfully completing the certification process, MIEC policyholders will submit an invoice to MIEC for reimbursement. For more information about fee reimbursement with, call MIEC Loss Prevention at 1-510-428-9411 or toll free at 1-800-227-4527.
Medical Mutual Insurance Company of North Carolina
Medical Mutual Insurance Company (MMIC) of North Carolina offers a discount (minimum of 2%) on the annual premium rate on medical professional liability insurance coverage to physicians who provide care at offices that obtain SCOPE Certification.
Ob-Gyn Risk Alliance (Underwritten by ProAssurance)
Ob-Gyn Risk Alliance (OBRA) will allow physicians to complete SCOPE certification in lieu of completing the OBRA Practice Site Survey. OBRA recognizes physicians who practice within an office that has achieved SCOPE certification as if that physician has successfully completed the Medical Practice Site Survey. The Ob-Gyn Risk Alliance will also offer the same discounts on medical professional liability insurance premiums to physicians whose offices achieve SCOPE certification, in addition to the other requirements of the OBRA, as it offers to physicians who complete the Medical Practice Site Survey.
Please contact SCOPE staff at or 1-800-266-8043 for more information on our relationships with the above listed professional liability carriers.