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What People are Saying:

Women’s Care Florida (WCF) is pursuing SCOPE certification for all of our OB/GYN divisions by the end of 2015.  As of April 2015, 10 WCF divisions have achieved SCOPE certification and a number of other offices are currently in process of being reviewed.  We have been committed to the SCOPE initiative since its inception.  We participated in the SCOPE pilot program and one of our divisions was one the first OB/GYN offices in the country to become SCOPE certified.

WCF has always had a formal patient safety initiative dedicated to continuous quality improvement.  The SCOPE process motivated our providers and staff to improve on our safety standards and develop a more rigorous set of policies and procedures to ensure the highest level of patient safety.  For example, we have always had a required time out process for our in-office procedures.  Now we have implemented a more extensive safety checklist that starts with the preoperative visit and continues through the procedure with the timeout, discharge, and postoperative follow up call.

To simply say your office maintains the highest standard of quality is meaningless without evidence to back one’s claim.  SCOPE allows us to clearly demonstrate our commitment to patient safety and quality to our partners including insurance companies, hospitals, malpractice insurance carriers, employees and most importantly, our patients.

Donald F. Wilson, MD, MS, FACOG, CPE

Chief Medical Officer

Women’s Care Florida

Our group practice has been improving safety and quality with several projects over the last two decades.  Due to the tyranny of the urgent needs of all the patients in front of us every day, we seemed to be stalled without moving forward.   We knew that we should initiate procedural pauses (before office hysteroscopy/endometrial ablation) and performing some drills for potential emergencies.
The SCOPE process of painless review of our systems and procedures in a brief survey and site visit provided us with renewed vigor and focused our attention on these and other systems that needed improvement for the sake of our patients.  After the review, we had a few short meetings where we discussed implementation of the recommendations.  We have made some (easy) changes rapidly, and others that are more complex are continuing to be developed.  The SCOPE review affirmed our good practices and made us feel competent and motivated to renew our efforts at  safety and quality improvement in the office.

Everyone should consider participating in SCOPE.  We were reviewed at one office (even though we have three offices).  It was simple, easy and did not stress out the doctors or staff.  Why doesn’t everyone know about this awesome service from ACOG?

Lee Parsons, MD
Eagle, Idaho