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Meet MOC Part IV Requirements with SCOPE Certification

We are pleased to announce that the Safety Certification in Outpatient Practice Excellence (SCOPE) Program has been approved to meet ABOG Part IV Improvement in Medical Practice requirements from September 1, 2015 through August 31, 2017. The ABOG MOC standards now allow participation in ABOG-approved Quality Improved Projects to meet the annual Improvement in Medical Practice (Part IV) MOC requirement. This QI project has been approved to meet ABOG Improvement in Medical Practice requirements for 2015.

New 2015 ICD 10 Hands-On Module IV to be Hosted at ACOG Headquarters, Washington DC

In response to the overwhelming demand for additional ICD-10 Training Sessions, ACOG has added two additional ICD-10-CM Hands-on Training sessions to the existing workshop schedule.  Seats are limited, however, and if you are interested, you should register as soon as possible.  Once these seats are filled, no additional workshop modules will be added to the schedule prior to ICD-10 implementation 10-1-2015.

Application Period Closing Soon for TeamSTEPPS® for Office-Based Care Master Training Courses

AHRQ has funded an opportunity in team-based training for primary care organizations and office-based medical teams. The TeamSTEPPS® for Office-Based Care adapts the core concepts of the TeamSTEPPS program to reflect the clinic and office environments to offer techniques, tools and strategies to assist health care professionals in developing and optimizing team knowledge and performance.

Patient Safety Awareness Week: March 8-14, 2015

The theme for this year’s National Patient Safety Foundation (NPSF) Patient Safety Awareness Week is “United in Safety,” being celebrated March 8-14, 2015. Attached is a checklist that you might find useful in your facility. For additional information, visit the NPSF website here.

TJC 2015 Ambulatory Care Patient Safety Goals

The Joint Commission’s has posted the 2015 National Patient Safety Goals. Please visit to view practice-specific patient safety information.

TeamStepps Strategies: Improving Outcomes in the Office Practice

The Hospital Insurance Company, Inc. has created the following video that demonstrates the use of TeamStepps training to improve office safety. Click here to view the instructional video.

Register to Review Your "Open Payment" Data

CMS Preparing to Post Physician Payment Sunshine Act Data:

Payment data will be available for public review beginning September 30
• Physicians can review their reports to correct any discrepancies

Joint Commission Issues Alert on Preventing Unsafe Injection Practices

The Joint Commission has issued a new alert on preventing the misuse of single-dose/single-use and multiple-dose vials of injectable medical products, citing at least 49 reported outbreaks since 2001.

Patient Safety Awareness Week: March 2-8, 2014

NPSF is collaborating with the Society to Improve Diagnosis in Medicine and the Cautious Patient Foundation on content related to diagnostic error, including a series of webcasts during the month of March on this topic. Details are still in development.
